Focus on developing students’ independent study skills and encouraging autonomous learning.All school-leaving exam topics are covered, and exam-like tasks appear throughout all levels to help prepare your students for their exams.Ten page Vocabulary Banks at the end of each level of the course.Main content: Listening and reading tasks. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Grade 8. Insight Pre-Intermediate Student Book with Online Practice New Edition: 978-0-19-426472-3: Insight Pre-intermediate Student Digital Pack New Edition: 978-0-19-426278-1: Insight Pre-Intermediate Student e-book New Edition: 978-0-19-426491-4: Insight Pre-Intermediate Teacher's Guide with Digital Pack New Edition: 978-0-19-426297-2: Insight Pre. Medical, 250 pages insight: Pre-Intermediate: Student Book Jayne Wildman. Vocabulary insight pages and Reviews at the end of every unit with Cumulative Reviews after every two units Insight Pre-Intermediate Unit 9 Skills Test. Time Zones Students Book 1 Heinle/Ng, Tim Collins, Mary Jane Maples, Sep 24.Each unit has five sections covering reading and vocabulary grammar and listening listening, speaking and vocabulary culture, vocabulary and grammar and writing Five level course for learners from A1-C1 (Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced).