While some may suit this base shot more than others, each example is simply there to give you a rough idea on how that frame might suit your image. We'll be demonstrating each of the borders we've found on the image below. Quick tip! If you like the design of a frame, but it's not showing up on your photo, then simply go to Image > Adjustments > Invert to turn it from black to white (or vice versa). Photo Frame Studios user interface employs the muted dark-gray borders. Alternatively, if the frame is a light color on a dark background, then you'll need to use the Lighten option. only with a tabbed panelMore than 1000 free photo frames online at LoonaPix. If the frame is a dark color on a light background, you'll need to use the Darken option.
However, others will have backgrounds that means you'll need to go to the Blending Modes menu on the Layers panel. Some frames will come without a background, so you can simply resize the frame to the appropriate size and be done. Most of the frames listed here have multiple frames on a single image, so simply use the Eraser tool to get rid of anything that you don't feel you need (it might ask if you want to 'Rasterize the smart object', so just click OK).